Therapeutic Needs & Topics Supported

The following are our Specialized AReas of counselling practice:


Anxiety, panic & stress

Panic Disorder, Generalized Anxiety, Social Anxiety, Career + Academic Anxiety, Financial Anxiety, Stress + Overworking

Carly & Julie Offer Counselling for this

TRauma, ABandonment & Relationship Issues

Survivors of Childhood Abuse + Neglect, Fear of Abandonment, Relationship Issues, PTSD, Crises

Carly Offers Counselling for this

DIsordered EAting

Restrictive Eating (Anorexia), Chronic Dieting, Binging and Purging (diagnosed or suspected), or clients looking to heal their relationship with food and the distress/emotions that drive unhealthy eating patterns

JULIE Offers Counselling for this

Depression & BUrnout

Major Depression, Dysthymia or Chornic Low Mood, Burnout + Overworking, Codependency, Chronic Fatigue

Carly & Julie Offer Counselling for this

Self-Esteem & Identity Work

Chronic Low Self-Esteem, Life Transitions, Identity Work and Goal Attainment, Borderline Personality Disorder

Carly & Julie Offer Counselling for this

Alcohol Struggles & Sober Curiosity

Alcohol struggles and binge drinking, harm reduction and sober curiosity, self-esteem, anxiety and impulse regulation focused approach to substance use support

Carly Offers Counselling for this


Executive Functioning & Emotional Regulation Skill Building / Rejection Sensitivity support / Prioritization, Focus & Decision making tools

Carly Offers Counselling for this

Emotional Abuse & Narcissistic Injury

Emotional + Psychological Abuse, Manipulation + Gaslighting, Bullying + Harassment, Narcissistic Injury, Codependency + Boundary Work

Carly Offers Counselling for this