(Attention Deficit & Hyperactivity Disorder)


How the inside of the ADHD brain can feel!

Carly Offers Counselling for ADUlts with ADHD

I take a skill building, acceptance and neurodiversity affirming approach to working with individuals with formally diagnosed or suspected ADHD.

My counselling framework for ADHD is underscored by the firm belief that being neurodiverse is not a disordered form of human experiencing. Nor are the challenges that go along with it, actually based in a lack of attention (the name is a misnomer). The ADHD brain struggles to prioritize, organize and regulate what ends up being a flurry of internal awareness that makes focusing attention on one thing at a time, one thing for long periods of time, or something not of intrinsic interest, sometimes almost impossible! Or otherwise confusing and frustrating for oneself and others. And if the fulfillment of one’s goals isn’t thwarted in this process, then at least the energy it takes to mask ones struggles with linear task completion and inner regulation, so as to appear regulated to the neurotypical world, can be painful and lead to emotional dysregulation and burnout.

Until we get clear about what’s going on and understand that we can work with this. And still be us. And still have the life we want. I take an insight & acceptance + tangible habit and skill building & implementation approach to ADHD work.

I believe it is important to work with your level of neuro-acceptance and thus offer more structured and unstructured approaches depending on what you are struggling with, and how important it is to you to learn processes that are more neuro-conforming. I will discuss the benefits of each with you.

I offer informal assessment for treatment planning (not diagnosis) purposes on the three core domains of ADHD dysfunction - Executive Functioning and Control, Emotional Regulation & Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria.

I am well versed in practical treatment options for executive functioning and emotional regulation skill building, and employ habit and self leadership organizational tools + strategies from DBT.

I also have ADHD. I see you and it doesn’t have to be this hard :)