As the Integrative in Homecoming Integrative Counselling might suggest…

I practice an integrative therapy approach.

This means I combine the insights and tools from various therapies, in an adaptive way for each client I work with. I see it as my job, as a protector of your time, safety and guide on your wellbeing journey to tailor how and when we use certain skills or techniques, based on the unique experience of your concerns, your comfort level, and your previous experience with therapy. We are not one size fits all beings, therefore I believe each person gets a slightly different version of my therapeutic expertise depending on what they bring to the counselling room. And I’d like to think this is a beautiful thing.

The counselling practices I draw from are all clinically established modalities, grounded in evidence-based psychological understanding and therapeutic effectiveness. Regardless of modality, my approaches are trauma informed and rest on a foundation of anti-oppression principles and compassionate listening.

If you would like to learn more about the specific approaches I use in therapy, please browse on the left or connect with me to chat further.

Beyond the nuts and bolts of counselling, my commitment to you is that no matter the issue you are coming to counselling for, or the counselling techniques best suited to you, you will get therapy delivered with warmth, genuine care and unconditional acceptance.