Anxiety, Panic & Chronic Stress

INFO & Counselling Approach

With the right support and skills you can discover a whole life beyond anxiety, come home to yourself, and experience yourself for the full and capable human that your are! <3 Carly

With the right support and skills you can discover a whole life beyond anxiety, come home to yourself, and experience yourself for the full and capable human that your are!

<3 Carly

Do you struggle with constant worry, fear of the future, or of new or unfamiliar situations? Are you burdened by physical symptoms like difficulty breathing, a racing heart, dizziness or nausea?

You are likely experiencing anxiety, panic or chronic stress.

Anxiety, a state of chronic threat detection or worry can lead to panic, overwhelm, physical discomfort and an inability to concentrate and make decisions. Over time, anxiety, panic & stress can diminish our sense of self, our physical wellbeing, our ability connect to others and our confidence in our place in the world.

I myself struggled with anxiety for much of my life - and still sometimes do! This, plus my years of successfully treating clients’ anxiety and panic struggles lets me bring you a deep understanding of this frustrating and what I know can seem like a never ending battle! I promise there are answers & solutions for healing and recovery!

I match genuine understanding, as well as the coaching of effective, evidence-based practices from CBT, DBT, mindfulness + neuroscience to create a practical and effective anxiety treatment plan for you. Together we will help you learn how to manage your anxiety, whether it be: generalized anxiety, panic episodes, social anxiety, academic/career anxiety or phobias, in healthy and balanced ways that reflect your values and the life you truly want to lead.

Whether you’ve been coping with your anxiety + stress through avoidance, dismissal, chronic reassurance seeking from others, gritting and bearing it, or alcohol or substance use - that’s ok! And there are more sustainable ways of regulating through your anxiety and stress. The practices and tools I will teach you will mean you can tolerate anxiety, panic and stress more effectively and approach life’s challenges with increased self-trust + clarity. There is another side to this, I swear!