Low Self-Esteem, Identity Issues & Life Transitions

INFO & COunselling Approach

There is a you here, in the present - a collection of all the moments that have come before you, both painful, trying, joyful and magnificent - that is the strength and clarity to take you where ever you want to go in this life. I would be honoured to help you realize that you are already home and to walk with you on your journey forwards. <3 Carly

There is a you here, in the present - a collection of all the moments that have come before you, both painful, trying, joyful and magnificent - that is the strength and clarity to take you where ever you want to go in this life.

I would be honoured to help you realize that you are already home and to walk with you on your journey forwards.

<3 Carly

Do you struggle with uncertainty about who you are? Do you find yourself trying to please others to find a sense of security, worth or meaning? Are you going through a life stressor or transition that is calling the things you normally held true into question?

I work with clients on self-esteem and life transition issues with a focus on secure self-attachment and inner-leadership.

Self-esteem, or the ability to hold oneself in positive and meaningful regard, is an essential foundation for supported mood, nervous system regulation, clear decision making and a general sense of wellness in ones pursuits and relationships! Whether your self-esteem and sense of self has been complicated or diminished through trauma/abuse or you are simply navigating the questioning of your core purpose, life direction, sexual or gender identity - I have experience supporting clients who want to better understanding who they are and rebuild a foundational belief in their worth and capability.

I take a grounded, discovery based + micro-habit building approach to identity, self-esteem and life transition work. My approach allows us to intentionally and collaboratively create safety and space for curiosity about the many, often buried parts of yourselves, that have disappeared through low self-esteem. Using approaches from Narrative Therapy and Internal Family Systems, as well as practices of radical acceptance, mindfulness and self-compassion, I help clients address blocks to self understanding and acceptance and support them in getting curious about who they really are, so they can tap into their innate strength and realize what they have already overcome! My approach offers the guidance, structure and self-leadership empowerment to help you weave your identity and strengths into a clear sense of self and actionable way forwards - on the terms you value and that make sense for you :)

If you have been diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder, you likely struggle with identity and self-worth regulation in a significant way. I have experience supporting individuals with this diagnosis, and use a foundational trauma informed approach of DBT skill empowerment and de-pathologizing life narrative work to help you connect to increased self-security & attachment, and a program of balanced identity and relationship building. I firmly believe and have witnessed that this diagnosis is not who you are and does not have to rule your life.

The skills to rebuild your foundational selfhood and life trajectory exist and I would be happy to support you in figuring out how to use them to gain confidence, increased self-appreciation and the ability to follow through on your important life plans.