Depression & Burnout

Info & Counselling Approach

Have you ever felt like this?! I thought this captured the essence of depression and burnout perfectly! If you are feeling like this you’re not alone. Depression and burnout are not personal failings. They are conditions rooted in the way we have been raised, and the way we relate to ourselves and others. Let me help you find the you that’s gotten buried under all the hard. <3 Carly

Have you ever felt like this?!

I thought this captured the essence of depression and burnout perfectly! If you are feeling like this you’re not alone. Depression and burnout are not personal failings. They are conditions rooted in the way we have been raised, and the way we relate to ourselves and others.

Let me help you find the you that’s gotten buried under all the hard.

<3 Carly

Have you been struggling with low mood that you just can’t seem to shake? Do you feel down more days than seem to make sense? Do you yourself or others in your life notice that you’re irritable, tired and unmotivated? Have you lost interest in activities or socializing? Do you feel foggy when it comes to making decisions - pandemic aside?

The above are symptoms of depression and dysthymia, as well as signs of burnout.

Chronic low mood, fatigue, irritability, frustration and disconnection, depending on how long they have gone on for, are signs of clinical depression or a major depressive episode. These things are downright painful as symptoms! Not only that, but being trapped inside these depressive experiences makes it hard to do just about anything, let alone have meaningful relationships, careers or a contented sense of self.

Sometimes we have been pushing ourselves for too long, being too many things to too many people, not taking care of ourselves, getting appropriate outside support or resting adequately. If this sounds like you, you may be experiencing the above concerns, but what you are dealing with is burnout!

My counselling approach for these concerns involves a thorough assessment to help clarify whether you are dealing with depression or burnout. Then with a collaborative focus on clarifying what is keeping you low and stuck, building off of current strengths (no matter how small) and rewiring your cognitive and emotional processing and self + community care habits through DBT, CBT, IFS, self-compassion, and healthy boundary setting, we will find you a clearer path forwards.

I have had countless successes treating clients with seemingly ‘treatment resistant,’ or longstanding depression and recurring burnout. I promise you a clearer, happier and more engaged life is possible!