Somatic Therapy for Disordered Eating


As your counsellor I will work alongside you to support you in creating a new way to relate to food and your body. You will learn somatic and emotional awareness and regulation based ways to cope with difficult feelings related to food, dieting, and/or body image, so you can have a healthier and more sustainable and enjoyable relationship with food and yourself again :)

Julie offers counselling for Disordered Eating, including restricting, chronic dieting & binging and purging.

Julie works with disordered eating, and with clients looking to better understand, improve and make more intentional, their relationship with food and their body. She comes from the perspective that our relationship with food is a window into our nervous system, what is safe/tolerable for us to experience and what it has become instinctual to avoid or distract from.

At the basis of this, is our relationship with the emotions that drive disordered eating or non-nourishing food behaviour. Julie works with clients through a Somatic Experiencing approach to help clients cultivate a more understanding, compassionate and physically tolerable relationship with the emotions that excess eating or restricting are trying to deal with (but not actually helping us deal with).

How Somatic Experiencing Therapy can help with disordered eating:

·      Heal patterns of binge eating, restricting and chronic dieting

·      Learn to regulate the emotions that impact your food urges and behaviours

·      Build capacity to sit with uncomfortable emotions and dysregulation in your body

·      Help you build a healthier, more intentional relationship with food through increased somatic tolerance and emotional safety

·      Build coping tools to alleviate anxiety, stress and overwhelm, to lessen the need to use food or restricting to cope

·      Enjoy food again!

·      Feel like your authentic self around food or otherwise!